This was written two years ago but I didn't post it. I just got out of the cinema after watching The Hate You Give and at first I thought 'gosh this is another movie that stereotypes black people and mocks black people. To my surprise though, it was a very real life from the eyes of a black girl. I think it was based on a true story because it felt so real. I literally felt like I was in the movie. I might actually watch it again because I missed a lot of it. I think I fell asleep in between as I do watching a lot of movies. I definitely remember how touching it was and how emotional it was. I shed a few tears because of how much injustice towards black people was shown.
People think we exaggerate when we talk about how black people being treated more unfairly than other races but this movie proves that we're not wrong. I felt disgusted to see how easily a young black guy can be shot by a police officer just because they 'think' he's holding a gun. The most ironic and sad part about it is that the guy rhe police man shot wasn't carrying a gun in his hand. It was actually a hairbrush! But obviously he assumed it was a gun.
The sad reality of life is there are always gonna be racist people in this world,whether we like it or not. Its the way we deal with it that really matters. Some people are just racist for bo reason. In fact most people are racist without understanding the reason why. It makes me so sick but sadly its the world we live in.
I think we need to keep fighting for equality like the girl in the movie did even if it feels like it's not making any difference. One day it will make a difference.